Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Fashion School: So, what's the plan?

Hey everyone!

I'll just highlight some intentions for this year along with my current standing in fashion school.

Classes start back next week, but orientation is this Friday. I am no longer attending the same school as I was in 2016; as much as I loved Wellington, living there had its costs. But regardless, I'm still looking forward to continuing my degree, which is a Bachelor of Design, specialising in Fashion Design.

I completed the first year successfully, however some technicalities with changing institutes mean that I have to repeat several papers. But I highly enjoyed learning them the first time so having to take some again just means that I gain a different perspective of teaching in my opinion. It beats losing my student loan altogether which is what would have happened instead.

Another benefit of taking these papers again is that I want to present what the fashion school experience is like to any future designers out there! Since i'm already familiar with the paper layout, if I can relay tips and tricks while i'm designing myself, it would be great for this blog and any readers out there.

But I won't be specifically talking about design theory papers, aka contextual studies, as I don't need to repeat the course. If there was any class I never wanted to take again... it was definitely that one haha. The information I learnt was valuable, but juggling essay work with practical studies meant that I had less time to focus on creative projects, including videos. If I can use my time this year to get Brittzay off its feet and start making more Stardoll content, then I think it will be just as valuable in the long run.
(but PLEASE don't ignore your own theory studies! I've already done the hard work, now it's your turn! I hope to provide some tips on how to survive design theory when the time suits.)

I'm going to address this blog towards the experiences of a first-year student, despite being in my second year. There's definitely been some things i've learnt after finishing my fresher year and looking back.

As always I feel to add a disclaimer that my own experience with fashion school may very likely differ to your own. I'm already seeing how different the teaching methods are in my new school. But if I can at least provide a single perspective and give some some form of indication about what fashion school could be like, then I hope it can help someone.

As some of you know, I have been in the hospital for the past few days receiving surgery. Good news is that i'm back at home now quietly recovering and by the time classes begin, things should definitely be well on the mend! I'm just taking the next few days slowly and updating my webpages so when things start back up again there will be some great new content!!

I'm very excited to see what this year will bring when it comes to fashion, so let's go!

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